A conflict long overshadowed by Syria, bipartisan buzz is building on the Hill and in the press to end U.S. involvement with the Saudi-led campaign on Yemen. A new effort is underway on the Hill to end U.S. involvement in...
"$100 Billion in Weapons to the Saudis Buys a World Full of Hurt," writes George D. O'Neill, Jr., founder and chairman of the Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy, in an op-ed published January 4, 2019 in The American Conservative....
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis made a personal appeal to Congress on Wednesday not to restrict the United States’ support for the Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen, as the sponsors of a privileged resolution to end Washington’s involvement announced that...
Jamie McGoldrick, U.N. humanitarian coordinator in Yemen, recently told NPR that the war in Yemen has led to "the largest humanitarian crisis in the world." Widespread hunger has contributed to a massive cholera outbreak, per the Guardian, and Saudi-led airstrikes have continuously...
An Assessment of the Legality of Arms Sales to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Context of the Conflict in Yemen This White Paper analyzes U.S. statutory obligations regarding arms sales and military assistance to Saudi Arabia in the...
Nationwide Voter Survey: Report on results From Thursday, November 16 through Monday, November 20, 2017 J. Wallin Opinion Research conducted a telephone survey of voters nationwide. We interviewed 1,000 respondents using live, professional interviewers, speaking Spanish and English languages and calling...
In an outrage and scandal-driven news cycle, it’s easy to lose sight of the truly significant stories. Let’s talk memos, for example. The past five days have been dominated by discussion of two memoranda — one Republican and one...
A bipartisan coalition has emerged in the Senate to invoke the War Powers Resolution to stop U.S. military participation in Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen. Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT)—an independent who caucuses with Democrats—have banded together...
WASHINGTON — Imagine that the entire population of Washington State — 7.3 million people — were on the brink of starvation, with the port city of Seattle under a naval and aerial blockade, leaving it unable to receive and...
ZABID, Yemen — Once Yemen's capital and famed as an architectural marvel of early Islam, the town of Zabid is fighting to survive as a brutal war closes in on its fortified walls. The sand-coloured town overlooking the country's west...