The conflict has killed at least ten thousand civilians, and the country faces famine. Why are we still involved? Funerals in Yemen are traditionally large affairs. When prominent figures die, hundreds or even thousands of people come to pay their...
"Coalition airstrikes are based on intelligence and extensive monitoring and surveillance, to ensure all targets are military installations…Extensive precautions are taken to avoid civilian areas, especially where women and children are present," a spokesman for the Saudi coalition in...
Former senior minister Andrew Mitchell tells MEE the UK must press Riyadh over Yemen bombardment ahead of bin Salman visit LONDON - A former Conservative cabinet minister has said that Saudi Arabia faces "certain defeat" and humiliation in Yemen and has...
Fifteen years ago this week, Colin Powell, then the secretary of state, spoke at the United Nations to sell pre-emptive war with Iraq. As his chief of staff, I helped Secretary Powell paint a clear picture that war was the only...
Aid workers, journalists, and experts describe little-appreciated realities about a 1,000-day conflict and — just maybe — how to turn things around The world’s worst humanitarian crisis is in Yemen. An ancient and remote place not exactly known for its...
ZABID, Yemen — Once Yemen's capital and famed as an architectural marvel of early Islam, the town of Zabid is fighting to survive as a brutal war closes in on its fortified walls. The sand-coloured town overlooking the country's west...
A conflict long overshadowed by Syria, bipartisan buzz is building on the Hill and in the press to end U.S. involvement with the Saudi-led campaign on Yemen. A new effort is underway on the Hill to end U.S. involvement in...
Monday 26th March 2018 marks three years since a Saudi Arabian-led coalition of nations launched a bombing campaign in Yemen. Since 26 March 2015 the Yemen Data Project has been collecting data on the location and targets of the aerial war....
by Thomas Flichy de La Neuville During the period of relative peace which took place during the second half of the eighteenth century, authoritarian seducers vegetated at the periphery of power, contenting themselves with satiating their appetites on female prey....
Nationwide Voter Survey: Report on results From Thursday, November 16 through Monday, November 20, 2017 J. Wallin Opinion Research conducted a telephone survey of voters nationwide. We interviewed 1,000 respondents using live, professional interviewers, speaking Spanish and English languages and calling...