The content below comes from the newsletter This Week in War Powers News, provided by the Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy.

March 1, 2019

This Week in War Powers News

RSVP to March 12, 2019 The Impact of War on Women

Kristina ArriagaJoin the Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy and featured speaker Kristina Arriaga on Tuesday, March 12th, for a reception on the Impact of War on Women.

Kristina Arriaga is President of the Oxford Society for Law and Religion. For 20 years she has worked on the defense of religious freedom as member of the US delegation to the UN Human Rights Commission and Executive Director of a US- based public interest law firm. The Speaker appointed her to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom where she currently serves as Vice Chair.

Kristina is the recipient of the Newseum’s Free Expression Award. She is a sought-after speaker on the intersection of women’s issues and religious freedom, and has appeared on BBC, MSNBC, C-Span, CNN, BBC, and NPR among many others.

Click here to RSVP to The Impact of War on Women, March 12, 2019

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UN Official: We’re Running Out of Time and Money to Help the Children of Yemen

UN Official on We're Running Out of Time and Money to Help the Children of Yemen

Mark Lowcock, United Nations undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator, writes at

Throughout 2018, despite one of the most dangerous and complex operational environments, some 254 international and national partners actively coordinated with the UN to provide even more people in Yemen with life-saving support. Together, we assist about 8 million people every month across the country — the largest aid operation in the world.
In December alone, we reached a record number of more than 10 million people with food assistance.
But much more needs to be done. We know we can save millions more lives this year. But we are running out of time.

GOP Maneuver Will Block Yemen Bill From Getting Senate Vote

POLITICO: GOP Maneuver Will Block Yemen Bill From Getting Senate Vote

A House-passed bill to halt U.S. involvement in Yemen’s deadly civil war will not get a vote in the Senate, a setback to Democrats and Republicans who sought to cut off U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen.
The Senate parliamentarian ruled that an amendment to the House-passed bill which contains language condemning anti-Semitism was not “germane” to the Yemen War Powers resolution — a decision that allows Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to block a vote on the measure. The legislation initially had “privileged” status, giving supporters an end run around McConnell, who has long opposed the effort.

Read more at POLITICO