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February 15, 2019

This Week in War Powers News

U.S. House of Representatives passes historic resolution reasserting War Powers

On Wednesday, February 13th, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.J.Res. 37 by a vote of 248 to 177.
The resolution calls on the President to end U.S. involvement in Yemen, an illegal and unauthorized war. The resolution is a significant step towards reclaiming congressional oversight and authority of wars, an effort The Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy fully supports.
Thank you to Representatives Ro Khanna, Mark Pocan, Ken Buck, and Thomas Massie for your tireless work on this topic!

Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy founder George D. O’Neill, Jr. in The American Conservative:

Walter Jones Made the Yemen Vote Happen

The United States House of Representatives on Wednesday voted on H.J.Res. 37 to reassert Congressional War Powers in the ongoing war in Yemen—a significant and historic moment in Congress on many levels. The resolution passed 248-177. One Republican’s vote was noticeably and sadly absent—the late Rep. Walter Jones, who passed away on February 10th.
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Watch the Press Conference Video

Bipartisan Coalition Reintroduces Resolution to End Support for Yemen War

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