The content below comes from the newsletter This Week in War Powers News, provided by the Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy.

Kirsten Gillibrand: “We Need a New War Powers Act”

To combat terrorism, we must leverage the sophisticated strategies that are America’s advantage. . . . We also can put an end to these forever wars by passing my legislation, the War Powers Reform Resolution. It would reinstate Congress’ authority to review military action from the president and end the manipulation of congressional authorizations for use of military force. READ MORE.


The Lawfare Podcast: Senator Kaine on War Powers

Senator Tim Kaine is perhaps best known as Hillary Clinton’s 2016 vice presidential running mate. For purposes of Lawfare, however, he is better understood as the Senate’s leading exponent of congressional authority in the war powers domain. Benjamin Wittes sat down with Senator Kaine in the Senate Russell Office Building to talk about all things war powers. LISTEN NOW.


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