Next week the Senate is poised to pass a historic resolution to exert Congress’s war authorizing powers and to end U.S. support for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the disastrous war in Yemen. But Saudi and Emirati lobbyists are likely doing everything in their power to make sure that never happens.
They’re spreading propaganda, meeting with key members of Congress and, in some cases, making campaign contributions to Senators just days before the vote. How do we know? Because this is exactly what they did a year ago to kill the same bill in the Senate.
When Senators Mike Lee (R-Utah), Christopher Murphy (D-Conn.), and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced a resolution to remove U.S. Armed Forces from the Yemen conflict in 2018, lobbying firms registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) to represent Saudi Arabia and the UAE began furiously contacting elected officials, the media, and think tanks in hopes of stopping the bill in its tracks.

Read more at The American Conservative