A conflict long overshadowed by Syria, bipartisan buzz is building on the Hill and in the press to end U.S. involvement with the Saudi-led campaign on Yemen.
A new effort is underway on the Hill to end U.S. involvement in Yemen. There’s a verve and kick to this campaign, and a robust rolodex of Congressional sponsors and media backers.
When I asked, congressional aides who huddled with reporters in Sen. Mike Lee’s office last week wouldn’t elaborate on conversations they’ve had with the White House on a new measure that would force a vote on whether U.S. should and can continue to support Riyadh.
Privately, some White House aides have reservations about how closely the administration held hands with the Kingdom’s brass in 2017, including literally, on the now famous-trip to the country that featured a sword dance, a gold medallion and a flashing orb.
But it is telling that the administration is aware of the measure, sponsored by Lee, Bernie Sanders and Chris Murphy, and at least, as yet, is not publicly lashing out against it.
Read More at http://nationalinterest.org/feature/the-congressional-battle-over-ending-the-war-yemen-24836