Nadine Maenza, United States Commission on Religious FreedomNadine Maenza is a noted speaker, writer, and policy expert with more than two decades of experience as an advocate for working families and a champion for international religious freedom.
Nadine is the founding Executive Director of Patriot Voices, where she has provided her expertise to shape the organization’s special emphasis on public policies that help working families. Drawing on her extensive network and coalition-building experiences, she has helped build unique coalitions on issues such as paid family leave, health care, and tax reform. She also served as the Chairman of Hardwired Global, an organization working to stop religious oppression around the world. In this role, she was involved in advocacy efforts to have violence against religious minorities in Iraq labeled genocide by Congress and the Obama Administration. She has advised The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The College Board, and The Anne E. Casey Foundation on policy development and strategic partnerships through her work with The Clapham Group.
She was appointed by President Donald Trump to the Commission for International Religious Freedom in May 2018. She has spoken at several conferences on Freedom of Religion or Belief and has met with senior government officials from around the world. She recently represented the Commission in Saudi Arabia for a groundbreaking meeting with their religious police, officially known as the “Department for Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.” She is most honored to have met with persecuted communities of various faiths from some of the most repressive countries in the world.
She has served as a senior advisor to Rick Santorum for President in 2012 and on his U.S. Senate campaigns and has advised other presidential and U.S. Senate campaigns. She has decades of experience in fundraising and coalition building, having worked with presidential and U.S. Senate super PACs, served as the finance director for the Pennsylvania Republican Party, and as a consultant to the Republican National Committee. She worked on Capitol Hill in both the House of Representatives and the Senate for former Pennsylvania Senator John Heinz, in addition to later serving as his finance director.
Nadine’s writings on various policy topics are widely read and have been published in National Review, The Hill, The Daily Signal, and The Christian Post. She attended Pennsylvania State University. She is married with three children and lives outside of Philadelphia in Chester County, Pennsylvania.