The content below comes from the newsletter This Week in War Powers News, provided by the Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy.


How the Qataris Conquered DC While You Were Sleeping

The coronavirus has brought most industries in our nation’s capital to a screeching halt. DC’s celebrated restaurant scene is largely shuttered. The World Series champion Washington Nationals aren’t defending their title. Even the Beltway’s notorious traffic has disappeared.
But, one industry in DC is thriving: lobbying. As Politico explained, “the coronavirus pandemic has fueled a boom in business on K street.” Much of this surge in the influence industry has been driven by large businesses and associations vying to secure more than their fair share of the coronavirus stimulus packages. And, lobbyists for some foreign governments are taking full advantage of the pandemic too. But, they’re not looking to score government stimulus money; they’re looking to score goodwill during these bad times.
Lobbyists working for Qatar have, arguably, been at the forefront of this coronavirus charitable crusade. 


Anti-War Veterans Speak Against Memorial Day Hypocrisy



Danny Sjursen on Honoring Our Fallen Soldiers

“One of the ways we get rid of the malaise in our society and culture is by ending forever wars.” Danny Sjursen, writer and war veteran, joins us to explain why war has become largely invisible to the people of our nation. “Memorial Day to me feels like a wretched day in a lot of sense,” says Sjursen who also feels that the holiday has been mythologized to cover up for mass sacrifice perpetuated by the war machine. Sjursen also brings to attention the ongoing escalations with Iran, Venezuela, and elsewhere which he calls ‘pandemic opportunism.’ Listen to the full episode for an epic deconstruction of the sacrificial war machine, a clarion call to bring our troops home, and more on A Neighbor’s Choice.