Why do so many people in politics and the media want to start wars? Since I toured a sordid hospital full of wounded people in Bucharest at Christmas 1989, and even more after I saw for the first time (in Vilnius in 1991) what a human head looks like after a bullet has passed through it, I have seen it as an absolute duty to warn against armed conflict. It is a filthy thing.
No doubt there are times when we must fight. But there are plenty more when we should not.
Any fool can kill a man in a second and ruin a city in a week. But it takes long years of nurture to raise a child to adulthood, and centuries to build a civilisation.
Yet I look around me and see the mouths of intelligent people opened wide, yelling for an attack on Syria, when the only certain outcome of that will be blood and screams and ruins, and the deaths of innocents in ‘collateral damage’. What good will this do?
What is wrong with them? They are not cruel and stupid, yet they call for actions which are both.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-5616955/PETER-HITCHENS-earth-killing-people-rescue-Syria.html