President Trump took a little time during a policy-rich interview in the Oval Office to give his take on the biggest mistake in American history. Was it the Civil War? Nah. The failure to stop Sept. 11? Nope. How about Pearl...
Date and Time:Wednesday, October 10th at 5:30 pmLocation:National Indian Gaming Association Building224 2nd Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003Topic:The Impact of War on Military ReadinessSpeaker:Col. Lawrence Wilkerson (bio) Images from the Event are Below     <!-- Fill out the form below to RSVP to...
On September 11, 2018, the Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy hosted a lunch briefing titled "How Defending Constitutional War Powers Can Prevent Human Suffering and Protect Religious Liberty," featuring guest speakers Robert Naiman and the Hon. John Hostettler. A slideshow...
On July 27, 2018, the Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy hosted an event on the Impact of War on Religious Freedom on Capitol Hill. A program from the event is available at this link. You can view photos of...
A popular way to begin the first day of class in constitutional law in many American law schools is to ask the students what sets the U.S. Constitution apart from all others. Usually, they answer that it's the clauses...
On May 9, 2018 at 11:30 am, in Dirksen 106, the Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy held a lunchtime panel discussion on Congressional war powers. Panelists included Dr. Louis Fisher, Bruce Fein, and Col. Larry Wilkerson. The panel was moderated...
On March 7, 2018, the Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy, in partnership with Avaaz, hosted a Yemen Photo Exhibit on Capitol Hill. Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) both spoke about the situation in Yemen, and about their...
Why do so many people in politics and the media want to start wars? Since I toured a sordid hospital full of wounded people in Bucharest at Christmas 1989, and even more after I saw for the first time...
by Thomas Flichy de La Neuville During the period of relative peace which took place during the second half of the eighteenth century, authoritarian seducers vegetated at the periphery of power, contenting themselves with satiating their appetites on female prey....
The contra-narrative about Assad’s alleged gas attack is gaining traction as the evidence comes in. It increasingly seems probable that some folks suffocated or were overcome with smoke inhalation and hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) when buildings, tunnels and underground bunkers...