A group of experts, advocates, former officials and others are urging senators to support a bipartisan effort to end U.S. involvement in Yemen’s civil war. “We strongly encourage you and your Senate colleagues to cosponsor and vote for S.J.Res 54,...
A conflict long overshadowed by Syria, bipartisan buzz is building on the Hill and in the press to end U.S. involvement with the Saudi-led campaign on Yemen. A new effort is underway on the Hill to end U.S. involvement in...
"Coalition airstrikes are based on intelligence and extensive monitoring and surveillance, to ensure all targets are military installations…Extensive precautions are taken to avoid civilian areas, especially where women and children are present," a spokesman for the Saudi coalition in...
Pentagon to Congress: You Can’t Stop Us from Fueling Saudi Arabia’s War in Yemen On February 28, Senators Mike Lee (R-UT), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) introduced Senate Joint Resolution 54, a resolution that seeks to end U.S. support...
Trying to end war means doing battle with the Pentagon's patented tricks. Now that key senators have introduced measures that would end U.S.-aided hostilities in Yemen, we can expect that a coordinated backlash from the military establishment is imminent. The multi-trillion-dollar...
An Assessment of the Legality of Arms Sales to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Context of the Conflict in Yemen This White Paper analyzes U.S. statutory obligations regarding arms sales and military assistance to Saudi Arabia in the...
Norwegian Refugee Council statement on Saudi aid package to Yemen. The recently announced Saudi aid package to Yemen will not solve Yemen's humanitarian needs unless it also allows for unhindered entry of commercial and humanitarian food, fuel and other vital...
The US has carried out rare air strikes on Syrian pro-government forces after what it called an "unprovoked attack" on allied Kurdish and Arab fighters. An estimated 100 pro-government fighters were killed in the overnight incident in Deir al-Zour province. They...
The Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) is coming to Washington next month, so naturally we are already being treated to shameless propaganda on his behalf in our newspapers. Here’s Dennis Ross’ plea to “get behind” the Saudi king’s son: I...
Of all the facets of our cherished democracy that have begun to erode, few erosions are more horrifying than Congress’ abdication of its duty to debate and vote on whether or not we go to war. Of all the...