Monday 26th March 2018 marks three years since a Saudi Arabian-led coalition of nations launched a bombing campaign in Yemen.
Since 26 March 2015 the Yemen Data Project has been collecting data on the location and targets of the aerial war. Today the YDP released a summary of extracts from its full dataset on air raids* collated from 26 March 2015 to 25 March 2018
The YDP’s data shows the Saudi-led coalition carried out an average of 15 air raids* per day. A total of 16,749 air raids were recorded from 26 March 2015 to 25 March 2018.Nearly one third of all air raids (31%) targeted non-military sites. An average of 453 air raids were carried out per month over the course of the three-year air war.
The below is an extract of broken down numbers from our publicly available dataset.