The content below comes from the newsletter This Week in War Powers News, provided by the Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy.

How the Coronavirus Pandemic Threatens US National Security

The ever-escalating global spread of the coronavirus is taking lives, shattering economies, decimating health-care systems and ratcheting up panic at unprecedented levels. But with such attention fixated on the ever-complex, ever-unknown public health impasse touching every corner of the world, what drastic implications does this have on the U.S. national security apparatus? READ MORE.


‘Defend the Guard’ Strategy Can End Unconstitutional Wars

Gone are the days of the anti-war protest movement, and good riddance.Now there’s real promise of bringing home the troops thanks to the “Defend the Guard” effort, which stands to roll back the empire by reminding America it’s a republic first. READ MORE.


Vets For Trump Open Letter to State Legislators