The content below comes from the newsletter This Week in War Powers News, provided by the Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy.

Stacy on the Right on Bringing the Troops Home



“What Was It All For?” Asks Retired Veteran

East Baghdad, January 25, 2007. Newly minted 1st Lieutenant Danny Sjursen, all of 23-years-old, led his scout platoon—the “Ghost Riders”—on yet another meaningless presence patrol in an increasingly aimless war, at about 9:00pm local time in the Al Amin neighborhood of Shia-majority East Baghdad. We were no longer allowed to call them “presence patrols,” of course. From now on, each patrol had to—imagine that!—have a specific mission, a purpose, something, you know, worth dying for.
The army, mind you, is traditionally masterful at bending language to its tactically fashionable whims. So, while the nomenclature changed, the nature of the actual patrols themselves remained remarkably consistent. From the perspective of my young privates and sergeants—laying their lives on the line for some $30,000 annually—nothing changed… not a lick. READ MORE.


Bring Our Troops Home Takes Fight to Capitol Hill

Veterans and state legislators from 26 states, led by retired Army National Guard Sergeant Dan McKnight, traveled to Washington during Veterans Day week to press members of Congress, Senators and senior Congressional staff to end America’s endless wars, especially the 18-year-old war in Afghanistan.
McKnight, a military combat veteran who serves as BringOurTroopsHome.US Chairman, is making the case for lawmakers to reevaluate US foreign policy to de-emphasize military intervention, particularly in the Middle East. READ MORE.


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